The Big Bold Ideas Lab

Our team continually researches the latest thinking, research, and science around the Mindset, Leadership, and Teamwork needed to achieve Big Bold Goals.

Every two weeks, we wittle down the pick of the crop in the pithiest way we know. We share these fresh ideas and thought-provoking experiments via the The Bigger Bolder Mindset Newsletter.

Sometimes, we publish some of these ideas on the web. Mostly we don’t.

To get fresh thinking and practical experiments every two weeks direct to your inbox, join our newsletter.

Latest fresh thinking (and suggested experiments):

Has Leadership Become too Serious (And three simple suggestions to experiment with if you think it has)

The 9 Leadership Behaviours that all Big Bold Leaders share in common (Score yourself)

What is the Impact of AI on Leadership (published by London Speaker Bureau France and Germany)

Sharing a stage with James Blunt

45% of CEOs said they do not believe their companies would survive more than a decade if they remain on their current path.

The Biochemistry of Feelings

How will AI impact human behaviour?

Does the perfect selfie exist?

Transformational Leadership Styles: A Leader's Guide

The Science of Goal Setting (published by MySpeaker Finland and Sweden)

About The Big Bold Ideas Lab

The Big Bold Ideas Lab was created to better serve ambitious curious people who are hungry for more, and who give a sh*t about other people.

We want to share our latest ideas and fresh thinking on the mindset and leadership needed to achieve Big Bold Goals.

Each issue of The Bigger Bolder Mindset Newsletter is intended to leave you feeling:

Inspired. Provoked. Curious, and Ready to Experiment.