From the Desk of Caspar
Clear Thinking
Just how distracted are we all? How much clear thinking do you really get?
An experiment I've been running for 2 weeks (which you might want to consider). It was inspired by a fellow speaker Ronan Harrington after speaking at the same event a couple of weeks ago.
I switched off all notifications on my phone...
WhatsApp (probably the worst offender)
Any apps which send out alerts.
Result = Significantly less distractions.
Had my productivity gone up? Probably. In truth I’ve not been totally scientific about it and I still feel "the lure" of checking in on my phone.
Give it a go. It takes a few minutes to set up in the Notifications setting (on an iPhone and I’m sure it's similar on Android).
In an attention deficit world, it can only help.
Tip: We get our best and clearest thinking when we minimise distractions. Be intentional about how you use your time.
In the Spotlight
As seen in the Daily Telegraph this week:
Also in the spotlight...
Nichola (my brilliant wife) and I delivered our first shared keynote this week. We were speaking at the annual kick off for newly IPO’d technology services business The Panoply. They are raising the bar on what it means to be a “Purpose Driven Public Company”. A brilliant and super engaged company and audience and great fun to be part of their day.
In this brilliant clip of Steve Jobs, he shares two things on what you need to be successful. One is around Passion. The other is around people if you want to grow an organisation capable of running without you.
Tip: Fill your world with the most powerful influences of people who’ve already got the results you would like.
Be a Better Leader
Leadership of the week inspired by Alan Turing. He went to work on Enigma, the crypto device used by the German Navy because it was deemed too hard and no one else was working on it.
What’s the biggest challenge in your organisation / world / life and who’s working on it?
If you found this valuable, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel to get these tips every week rather than just every fortnight.
Thought of the Day
Upcoming Events
April 10 - Thrive Workshop, London
April 11-14 - Keynote, South Africa
April 25 - Thrive Workshop, London
April 26 - Training Workshop, London
May 2 - Keynote, Dublin
May 15 - Keynote, Barcelona
May 19 - Keynote, London
May 20 - Keynote, London
June 6 - Keynote, London
June 7 - Keynote, London
“Caspar has a highly unique, fascinating, compelling and thought provoking story to tell. He is an outstanding speaker and gives highly pertinent takeaways. Book him - I would!”