Culture Transformation and why you need a Disruptors Mindset

From the desk of Caspar:
The Disruptors Mindset

What major trends are influencing the sector you currently operate in? What's the best guess of the future playing field? And crucially how do you position yourself for that future?

That’s the piece of strategic thinking that needs to be done to point the team in the right direction

Then there’s the mindset (link).

The Idea Espresso Hit

The big bold idea you didn’t move on is seldom lost. 

It’s simply actioned by others.

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To Inspire Your Team, Share More of Yourself

Is it rocket science? ...No

Can it feel scary? ...Yes, for sure.

Does it build trust and underpin creating an insanely successful team? ...100%

Is it common practice? Sadly not.

And therein is the opportunity to create the team that can go the distance and achieve audacious goals that most people dismiss as pipe dreams.

Some powerful insights from the Harvard Business Review

Freebie Giveway

It’s World Mental Health Week. I’m speaking to a lot of organisations this week around how to be more human in the workplace and why that is the single best thing you can actually do to achieve your audacious goals.

To celebrate this I’m giving away 3 copies of Be More Human - Rethinking the Rules of High Performance Teamwork.

The first three people to message me and say what it means to you to Be More Human will get a copy.

Message me here!

The Growth Mindset (and why it’s important to develop this)

{Important note: it’s a precursor to a Disruptors Mindset} 

PS If you like this, you can subscribe to the Big Bold Goals YouTube Channel to get these tips every week rather than just every fortnight.

Thought for the day

You are Incredible. People are Incredible.

If you let them flourish and help them to unlock their potential, you will be amazed.

Far too often, it happens the other way round and people are the afterthought after driving for targets.

On World Mental Health Day it's worth remembering that each and every person has something incredible to offer.

Leaders that listen, leaders that care, are the ones most likely to unlock the massive untapped potential that almost certainly exists in your organisation.

Don't be blinkered by the numbers. Focus on people and the results will follow when you get that bit right.

#bemorehuman #bigboldgoals #inspirationalspeaker 

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