The mindset needed after a big setback

The Biggest Setback

A story from a rowing coach…

The biggest growth came after their biggest setback. 

A month earlier, they had been beaten in a race they should have won. 

It was a big disappointment.

They took a hard knock.

That was when they really upped their game.

Dug deep. 

Found ways to create improvements in many areas.

This was their response.

Racing in the National Schools Rowing regatta to take 3rd place.

You can see how much it means to the crews with their response crossing the line as they celebrate together.

One more stepping stone on the journey.

The journey of never-ending growth and improvement.

What have you done recently that has forced you to up your game?

What else could you do to up your game?

Every knock has the seeds of insight for the next stage of the game.

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