From the desk of Caspar
Who’s starting to feel festive? As well as down time over Christmas I’ve always found the period of reflection around the end of the year and the start of the days getting longer after Dec 21 the perfect breeding ground for ideas around setting big bold goals. How much time and space will you devote to this.
A year from now, you’ll be somewhere - the thoughts and decisions you make now can totally change where you’ll be a year from now. #bigboldgoals #bemorehuman
When your team (and you) are exhausted and at the same time you need to stay focused on the goals, it’s very easy to overlook the power of empathy.
This lovely note just in from someone who joined my talk on Be More Human - Rethinking the rules of High-Performance Teamwork for the Shared Services Forum UK Limited
It's your team who will make the difference between achieving your goals or missing them. And by goals I don't mean just as a short term sprint for this quarter or years results, but the longer term big bold goals.
It's important to remember to carefully walk that line and to listen carefully to what's going on for your team.
Christmas Give Away Competition
Time for some fun.
Who wants to win one of these three bad boy extra big mugs?
Each mug has one of the 20 principles of #bemorehuman on the side.
Here’s how to win
Simply follow this link to LinkedIn and answer two questions…
What’s one big bold goal you’ve got for next year? Could be work, could be home, could be whatever!
And the tiebreaker question - can you guess how many Quality Street can you fit in a Big Bold Goals mug?
John McCarthy
Looking into January, who wants a shot in the arm (no not of vaccine, but of inspiration). My friend, John McCarthy, journalist, author and motivational speaker who was Britain's longest-held hostage in Lebanon, where he spent over five years in captivity before his release has kindly agreed to speak for the British Exploring Society at our January fireside chat. I know some of the stories that John will be sharing and it’s an absolutely fascinating story and insight into dealing with extremes.
The details to sign up to hear John are all here:
Books of the year
Lovely surprise this week when marketing rockstar Kevin Gibbons listed #bemorehuman as one of his 15 books of the year alongside Eric Schmidt, Seth Godin and Matthew Walker (Why We Sleep).
It’s not too late to order copies as gifts!
Big Bold Bites
What are your teams experiencing right now? Here's what the Big Bold Goals team are hearing and some simple ideas to look forward to 2021.
#bigboldgoals #bemorehuman #virtualleadership #teamworkspeaker #highperformanceteamwork #leadershipspeaker
Thought for the day
There are few things more negatively impactful on productivity and performance at work than personal problems at home. And conversely, work usually gets the blame as being the primary culprit of home-life disruption.
In an early 2020 survey, work was viewed as being as destructive in its effect on relationships as infidelity (36%) and ahead of the strains of raising children (27%) and financial pressures (23%).
All too often we segment our minds by thinking of a ‘work life’ and a ‘home life’ and we are trying to find that elusive work/life balance. Never has this been more front of mind than in 2020 when our work and home lives have been crashed together with working from home.
The truth is that teamwork requires a set of skills, a set of skills which are all about understanding yourself and others.
These skills can be developed at home or at work. When you’re going after big bold goals, one thing is certain - you’ll need to work as part of a team and you’ll need to master these skills.
The skills of listening, building trust and co-creating a shared story are a great place to start. And what better place to start to than to develop these skills at home and create a strong stable platform to enable you to work towards home goals as well as big bold goals @ work.
“He will inspire and motivate all!
A privilege to have Caspar present at our Financial Services 2020 kick-off event at BAE.. An excellent example of how an ‘ordinary’ person can achieve the ‘extraordinary’; through thinking ‘big and bold’!
Many thanks again Caspar!”