From the desk of Caspar:
Culture is the Game
“Culture isn’t just one aspect of the game – it is the game” - Lou Gerstner
What is it that defines the highest performing organisations from their competitors? Whilst products, strategies and individuals may come and go, the single most enduring aspect of companies over the long term is their culture.
What is culture?
Culture put simply is “how we do things”. It’s the spoken and unspoken rituals and behaviours that permeate any organisation. It is the common set of habits and the underlying mindsets and beliefs that shape how people work and interact every day.
I’m a great believer that anything that happens by accident can be made to happen a lot more on purpose. And one of those things is deliberately, specifically and consciously shaping the culture of any team.
This cumulative effect of this shaping of behaviour is what will determines an organisation’s performance.
McKinsey research found that in 1,000 organisations…..
The Idea Espresso Hit
Don’t fear your competition.
Fear the time you waste by not learning and adapting fast enough.
Just one of the ratings from one of the sessions run by the Big Bold Goals team in the last week.
One of the challenges we’re hearing from employees is that their development seems to have stalled. They feel so reactive to the work coming in and disconnected from their team and organisation they feel like their development is on hold.
Development comes in many forms, including learning on the job - a difficult endeavour during these work-from-home times - so offering a short, virtual development session can have many additional benefits - it can re-motivate and engage team members, it keeps them connected to each other and the organisation, it develops trust and cohesiveness among the team AND it sends a very strong message that you value their contributions.
The four most popular workshops our team is being asked to deliver right now are:
Be More Human Teamwork Workshop
Thriving in a Hybrid Environment
How to Adapt in Times of Uncertainty -
Get in touch if any of these resonate - our team would love to help.
Being Present
Remembering to stop and enjoy the moment is something I notice many ambitious people need reminding of (note to self). Last weekend was one such amount appreciating the magic of British summers - the blue skies, rich green grass and long evenings. What will you stop and notice today?
How can we prepare for what’s coming next?
On the sofa with Caspar and Sue from the Big Bold Goals team sharing the questions that we’re hearing from ambitious leaders…
PS If you like this, you can subscribe to the Big Bold Goals YouTube Channel to get these tips every week rather than just every fortnight.
Thought for the day
““Full of optimism and great advice applicable to everyone in the audience””