What are yours?
Did you choose them consciously?
When did you last review them?
It’s an important choice that I see from many high-performing leaders and yet they don’t sing it from the rooftops. They just quietly get on it.
Think of a bath. You’re in the bath.
Your influences are the bath water.
Hot water, yep you’ll get hotter.
Cold water, yep you’ll get colder.
Want to get some different results at work, home, social?
Change your influences. Nothing will be faster acting or more sustainable.
Examples from my life;
Want to sail the world: join a community of people planning the same thing.
Want to get better in business: join a mastermind group of high achieving leaders
Want to get fitter: join a local health club and become part of the community and attend classes/ meet like-minded people (Note - I joined Bannatynes in early December, and from being a crap swimmer now consistently doing 1.2km non-stop.
Want to be a better speaker - be in a mastermind group. Last week with Penny and Mark, they held the mirror up to me to share the things I couldn’t see. We all have blind spots and through trusted credible people on the same path, you can find cracking insights. Thank you, Penny and Mark!
Your Examples
Take a moment now and think how changing your influences could change the game for you.
Maybe try this:
One from work
One from home
One from socially.
Hopefully yes!
Your Experiments
Quick One (5 mins)
Remove two people from your social feeds who add no value to your life.
Medium One (15 mins)
Reflect on three people you’ve lost touch with, and who always lift you up and who you would enjoy having a little more time with. Send them a quick note to say you were thinking of them, and to reconnect.
Longer One (30 mins)
Reflect on a goal of yours. What influences would help you achieve that goal. Make a decision to find a community or group of people who are wanting a similar goal.
Plant some seeds. Dial up those influences.
(It could also be a decision to dial down a toxic or unhelpful influence (we all have them!) - maybe from once a week to once a month.