Is Mental Health the key?

Looking after those in our teams has never been more important. As mental health awareness week kicks off, it's one of the simplest things to remember that listening and genuinely caring for our team sits right at the core of what it means to be more human.

It's not just the right thing to do for the mental health for each and every one of us. It's also fundamental for success in your team.

Why aren’t you getting the best out of your people?

Why aren’t you getting the best out of your people?

The past few weeks I’ve noticed an uptick in business activity. The economic indicators are pointing towards one hell of a boom in prospect.

Whilst it might not feel like that for you right now, this is what the data I’m paying attention to is pointing at.

The last 12 months have presented one set of challenges.

The next 12 months are likely to present a different set of challenges.

Think Big. Think Bold

I’m reminded this week of the magic of thinking big and bold.

The case in point is the planning exercise for our core team at Big Bold Goals. We’re planning the next 1,000 days and mapping out all the projects we need to complete in order to achieve our goals.

In this exercise, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of ‘today’ and thinking about incremental improvement and only building on what we have today.

Are you a Big Bold Goaler?

Spending the day sitting behind a screen and sending emails can lead to our workdays feeling somewhat impersonal. Here’s the first of three ideas on how to reclaim your humanity and start having meaningful interactions ..

Focus on what you want to see more of
It’s a human trait I’ve noticed to focus on things that are wrong. When it comes to building teams, especially diverse ones, constant focus on what’s wrong isn’t helpful. Especially when people have lots of time alone for gripes to grow arms and legs.

Marginal Gains? It's flawed.

Why Marginal Gains is only half the story

Marginal Gains. It’s such a compelling story. It sounds so sensible. Do 100 things 1% better and get 100% improvement. The Dave Brailsford logic from British cycling team has become a staple for how sporting analogies are applied to business.

Marginal gains though are only half the story. How I see marginal gains being used is in the daily activity - the tiny improvements every day. Nothing wrong with that, but it needs context.

Be more Human - A Passing Fad?

A passing fad?

I listened to a talk this week between Jim Collins (author of Good to Great) and Andrew Hill at the Financial Times.

I was struck by one debate around being more human in the workplace. It started with the observation that during Covid many businesses were discovering the human touch. And the speculation that when the acute part of the crisis finally recedes will businesses revert back to a more profits first approach to business.